1 min read
30 May

Empathizing with the People We Serve

Remember our core belief, that our customers keep our business alive. If we believe that to be true, then we must invest in those relationships. Never forget, there is always somewhere else our customers could go. No matter how unique or innovative your product or service, it is always the customer always has the choice to walk away.

The Cost of Doing Customer Service Wrong

Genuine empathy requires an investment of time. Investing entails relationship, and a desire for long-term engagement. What’s the importance of keeping an existing relationship versus trying to aquire a new one? While there are no solid numbers, according to one customer service expert: “most sources say the answer is that it costs between 4 and 10 times more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. Some sources say cost of acquiring a new customer is over 30 times that of keeping an existing one.”

That's how important it is.

The Benefit of Doing Customer Service Right

Do you listen to your customers? Are you available to them as a resource and a helping hand? Does it matter to you where their business and life ventures? Do you want to join them for the journey?

Whether things have been going well or just barely started, make it a practice to take full responsibility for your existing relationships, along with the ones you intend to cultivate. Know and live out your value proposition.

When things go wrong, Listen.

When things go wrong, Take Ownership.

When things go wrong, Fix Them.

Be Obsessive about Genuine Gratitude

Obsess about genuine gratitude. Say “thank you,” as often as you can because you can never say “thank you” enough. Adding these simple steps to your sales and customer service process may not prevent mistakes from happening, but will go a long way in establishing credibility and confidence in your business as well as form strong bonds with your clients.

Being Human is Good Business

“Customer service, by definition, is about serving people; it should be genuine, personalized, and compassionate—or, simply put, human. For most organizations, customer service is an afterthought. And since servicing customers is primarily viewed as a cost center, customers are often treated as a liability. Yet, customers are a valuable resource: their feedback is integral to shaping your product and building your brand… A human-centric customer service model revolves around people. Every component of the solution is humanized, acknowledging that customers and agents are real people with daily life struggles like the rest of us.”

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