Custom Clear Acrylic Cannabis Humidor For Display Use

Keep your baggies for your sandwiches and trail mix and put your cannabis products in something that will preserve their freshness and quality. Like cigars and other tobacco products, cannabis is sensitive to humidity. Too much humidity can cause mold to grow on the display product and make it unattractive. Too little humidity will dry it out and fade out the musk. You need a container that will keep your products in just the right atmosphere. 

Look no further! A clear acrylic cannabis humidor is just what you need to display your goods. Your product's will stay fresh and potent while also being nicely presented.

This particular design is ideal for distribution centers and stores. You can display your product on the walls to save on countertop space. Additionally, the wall placement and clear acrylic material will allow customers to get a clear view of the products. This is a vitally important method consumers use to assess the quality of the cannabis before purchase.

Another key feature of this clear acrylic cannabis humidor is the laser cut holes at the top of the compartments. This will allow vendors and customers to open the lids to assess the musk of the product. The shoe box style lid help to contain the scent inside the compartment. Keeping the scents contained will prevent nose blindness, allowing you and your guests to be able to differentiate the characteristics of different products. 

As this is used for a display, the cannabis products will eventually succumb to the elements as your guests inspect all the products. But with this display humidor, your samples will last longer, saving you money on replacing the product.