Custom Transparent Yellow Light Fixture

Brightly colored acrylic is a great medium for elevating items from unremarkable to something extraordinary. 

For example, the lamp pictured is a bit "meh" on it's own. There is nothing wrong with it but it lacks personality. The yellow transparent acrylic fixture instantly transforms the lamp into a stylish statement piece for your home or place of business. 

Not only does the acrylic accessory add to the overall look of the lamp, thanks to the transparent feature of the acrylic material, the light of the lamp will filter through and expand the color beautifully. Your space will be filled with color, adding personality and charm.

Depending on the style treatment of your room, office, or lobby, this style of light fixture is highly adaptable. You can do 1960's, 70's, Y2K, minimalist, maximalist, vintage, retro, modern, futuristic, and more!